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    Feb 11, 2025  
2024-2025 Binghamton University Academic Guide 
2024-2025 Binghamton University Academic Guide

Tuition and Cost of Attendance

Rates contained in this Guide reflect estimated costs for the 2024-25 academic year and are subject to change pending New York State Division of the Budget, New York State Legislature, SUNY Board of Trustees or University action. This section was updated on April 12, 2024, to reflect the most recent approved rates.

For the most current tuition and fee rates please visit the Office of Student Accounts website.
For the most current housing rates please visit the Office of Residential Life website.
For the most current dining rates please visit Binghamton University Dining Services website.


Matriculated Students, Full Time (per semester)

  Undergraduate Graduate
New York Residents $3,535 $5,655
Master of Business Administration   $7,500
Master of Social Work   $6,540
Doctor of Nursing Practice   $12,560
Doctor of Pharmacy   $13,225
Doctor of Occupational Therapy   $12,195
Doctor of Physical Therapy   $12,195
Out-of-State Residents $13,080 $11,895
Master of Business Administration   $12,560
Master of Social Work   $11,325
Doctor of Nursing Practice   $16,240
Doctor of Pharmacy   $18,570
Doctor of Occupational Therapy   $15,350
Doctor of Physical Therapy   $15,655

Matriculated Students, Part-Time(per credit hour/per semester)

  Undergraduate Graduate
New York Residents $295 $471
Master of Business Administration   $625
Master of Social Work   $545
Doctor of Nursing Practice   $1,047
Doctor of Pharmacy   $1,102
Doctor of Occupational Therapy   $1,016
Doctor of Physical Therapy   $1,016
Out-of-State Residents $1,090 $991
Master of Business Administration   $1,047
Master of Social Work   $944
Doctor of Nursing Practice   $1,353
Doctor of Pharmacy   $1,548
Doctor of Occupational Therapy   $1,279
Doctor of Physical Therapy   $1,305

Non-Matriculated Students, Full-Time(per semester)

  Undergraduate Graduate
New York Residents $3,535 $5,655
Out-of_State Residents $13,080 $11,895

Non-Matriculated Students, Part-Time (per credit hour/per semester)

  Undergraduate Graduate
New York Residents $295 $471
Out-of-State Residents $1,090 $991

Non-Resident, Exclusively Online Programs (per credit hour/Fall and Spring per semester (12+credits))

Undergraduate $353/$4,240  
Graduate $565/$6,785  
Master of Business Administration $750/$9,000  
Master of Social Work $654/$7,850  
Doctor of Nursing Practice $1,281/$15,370  
Doctor of Occupational Therapy $1,219/$14,628  

Non-resident online tuition is charged to students taking courses in exclusively online academic programs that have been previously approved by the Office of the Provost and registered by the New York State Education Department. These programs are in distance education format, consistent with the student’s intention to take courses exclusively online at the time of application and matriculation toward the degree. New York state residents enrolled in online academic programs will be charged the tuition rate for resident students.

Non-Resident, Exclusively Online Programs (per credit hour summer semester (12+credits))

Undergraduate $353  
Graduate $565  
Master of Business Administration $750/$9,000  
Master of Social Work $654/$7,850  
Doctor of Nursing Practice $1,281/$15,370  
Doctor of Occupational Therapy $1,219/$14,628  

Confirmation of Enrollment

What is Confirmation of Enrollment?

We are required to confirm students’ acceptance of charges and their review of required policies, and to be assured students have reviewed and understand the Board of Trustees policies when they enroll in classes. We ask students to confirm their understanding by completing the Confirmation of Enrollment Form. If students fail to confirm their understanding, we cannot offer them enrollment. Students will automatically be removed from their courses if they do not complete this process by the fifth day of classes.

Students are asked to confirm their understanding by completing the Confirmation of Enrollment process every term.

By “Confirming Enrollment,” the student agrees to:

  • Accept financial liability for tuition and fees.
  • Understand that changes to registration will be assessed according to the SUNY Board of Trustees refund/adjustment schedule (see Tuition Refunds/Adjustment Schedule).
  • Understand that all billing notifications are electronic and it is my responsibility to monitor my account and give access to authorized payers.
  • Agree to make payment by the established deadline and acknowledge that late and/or partial payments are subject to additional fees.
  • Understand that outstanding balances will result in a hold that will prohibit access to all registration activities.
  • Authorize Binghamton University to use any available financial aid to pay any balance due.

Residency Requirements

The colleges and universities that comprise the State University of New York system were established to provide a quality education at a reduced rate for the benefit of qualified residents of New York state. Residency classification is determined for all students in accordance with SUNY’s administrative policy, “Establishment of Residency for Tuition Purposes.” Students who are classified as non-residents can request reclassification and must support their request with documentation that shows compliance with policy and current state law. For more information, visit the Student Accounts Residency website and read SUNY’s Residency Policy.

Residency Determination Appeal Process

Students who wish to appeal their residency determination may file a written appeal with the University Residency Appeals Committee, Binghamton University, PO Box 6000, Couper Administration Bldg., Room 614 A&B, Binghamton, New York 13902-6000. Decisions made by the University Appeals Committee are final.

Enrollment Deposits

Admission Deposit (credited to the student account balance):

All New Undergraduate Students* $350
All New Graduate Students $100
All New Pharmacy Students $150
Exclusively Online Program Undergraduate Students $150

* Except undergraduate students in Exclusively Online Programs

Enrollment Deposit Refunds

Undergraduate Enrollment Deposit Refund Policy

Refund requests for deposits made for the fall semester must be received by May 1 or 30 days after the offer of admission, whichever is later. Refund requests for deposits made for the spring semester must be received no later than Nov. 10 or 30 days after the offer of admission, whichever is later. No refunds of the enrollment deposit will be made after the first day of classes.

Graduate Enrollment Deposit Refund Policy

For students who are admitted into programs which begin between June 1 and November 30, the enrollment deposit is refundable if requested on or before May 1. If the student is notified of acceptance after April 1, the enrollment deposit refund request must be made within 30 days after the offer of admission, or before the first day of classes in the semester for which the enrollment deposit was paid, whichever is earlier. Enrollment deposits are non-refundable on/after the first day of classes in the semester for which the enrollment deposit was paid. 

For students who are admitted into programs which begin between December 1 and May 31, the enrollment deposit is refundable if requested on or before November 1. If the student is notified of acceptance after October 1, the enrollment deposit refund request must be made within 30 days after the offer of admission, or before the first day of classes in the semester for which the enrollment deposit was paid, whichever is earlier. Enrollment deposits are non-refundable on/after the first day of classes in the semester for which the enrollment deposit was paid.

Exclusively Online Programs Enrollment Deposit Refund Policy

For students who are admitted into sessions which begin between June 1 and November 30, the enrollment deposit is refundable if requested on or before May 1. If the student is notified of acceptance after April 1, the enrollment deposit refund request must be made within 30 days after the offer of admission, or before the first day of classes in the session for which the enrollment deposit was paid, whichever is earlier. Enrollment deposits are non-refundable on/after the first day of classes.

For students who are admitted into sessions which begin between December 1 and May 31, the enrollment deposit is refundable if requested on or before November 1. If the student is notified of acceptance after October 1, the enrollment deposit refund request must be made within 30 days after the offer of admission, or before the first day of classes in the session for which the enrollment deposit was paid, whichever is earlier. Enrollment deposits are non-refundable on/after the first day of classes.

Tuition Refunds/Adjustment

SUNY Board of Trustees Tuition Refunds/Adjustment Schedule (fall and spring semesters ONLY; Summer and Winter sessions have separate refund schedules):

Students who drop courses or withdraw from the University are entitled to a refund of tuition and fees in accordance with the liability schedule set for by SUNY. The following refund schedule applies to courses that are a full semester’s duration.

  • First Week - 100 percent, tuition and fees
  • Second Week - 70 percent, tuition and fees
  • Third Week - 50 percent, tuition and fees
  • Fourth Week - 30 percent, tuition and fees
  • Fifth Week and after - 0 percent

Courses scheduled for less than a semester’s duration have a separate refund schedule. Consult the Office of Student Accounts website for these refund schedules.

The date used to determine the tuition and fee liability for a dropped course is the date the student or department drops the course in the online system. Non-attendance in a course will not result in removal of the tuition and fee charges from the bill.

The academic course drop deadline is not related to the deadlines for determining tuition and fee liability.

Students required to withdraw for disciplinary reasons are not entitled to any refund of tuition or fees.

Students who withdraw to enter active duty military service are granted full tuition and fee refunds for a semester in which academic credit is not received.

Students who withdraw for medical reasons may request a full tuition and fee refund. Decisions are made on a case-by-case basis.

Mandatory and Enrollment Fees

The rates listed below will be assessed per semester based upon full-time enrollment. Fees that are prorated based upon part-time enrollment are notated.

Undergraduate Fees

Academic Excellence Fee* $262.50
Academic Support Fee* $14.50
Academic Transcript Fee $5.00
Activity Fee* $99.00
Athletic Fee* $313.00
Campus Life Fee* $35.00
College Fee* $137.50
Health Fee* $200.00
ID Card Fee $5.00
Recreation Fee* $59.00
Technology Fee* $403.50
Transportation Fee* $97.50

*Fees are prorated for part-time students based upon the number of credits enrolled.

Graduate Fees

Academic Excellence Fee $262.50
Academic Transcript Fee $5.00
Activity Fee* $65.00
College Fee* $137.50
Health Fee* $200.00
ID Card Fee $5.00
Recreation Fee* $59.00
Technology Fee* $403.50
Transportation Fee* $97.50

*Fees are prorated for part-time graduate students, registered for one to nine credits, based upon the number of credits enrolled. Full-time rate for fees is charged to graduate students registered for 10 or more credits per term.

Career Service Fees

CCPA Career Fee* $107.50
Decker College Career Fee $25.00
Harpur College Career Fee* $25.00
SOM Career Fee* $136.50
SOPPS Career Fee* $25.00
Watson College Career Fee $108.50
Unaffiliated Career Fee* $25.00

*Fees are prorated for part-time students based upon the number of credits enrolled.

Other Fees

Domestic Health Insurance** Fall $1,841.00
Domestic Health Insurance** Spring $2,577.00
Administrative Fee $30
Late Payment Fee $30
Late Add/Drop Fee, per transaction $20
Refundable Alumni Fee* $15
Replacement ID Card Fee $20
Replacement Diploma Fee $15
Returned Check Fee $20

*Please visit the Alumni Office FAQ for information regarding the refund process for this fee.
**Mandatory for all domestic undergraduate full-time students unless Insurance Waiver Form is filed. Optional for all other students.

Graduate Degree/Certificate Completion Fees*

Dissertation Processing Fee $100
Thesis Processing Fee $85
Copyrights Fee (optional) $55
Certificate Processing Fee (add-on certificates and certificates of completion only) $100

*Fees subject to change. Please see the Graduate School Manual for complete details.

Broad-Based Fees

  1. Academic Excellence and Success Fee: The State University of New York instituted the Academic Excellence and Success Fee to provide the financial resources necessary for building and enhancing academic and student success. The fee is charged to all undergraduate and graduate students.
  2. Academic Transcript Fee: This fee is to assist in the processing and storage of student permanent records. For more information, visit the Registrar’s website.
  3. Academic Support Fee: Tutorial services for undergraduate students are partially supported by this fee, allowing tutorial services at all levels of academic performance.
  4. Activity Fee: Undergraduates - This fee funds approximately 190 student organizations and clubs. The Student Association allocates funds annually. For details, contact the Student Association at 607-777-6503. Graduates - This fee is used to provide funds to each graduate department for speakers, programs, activities and conferences. For details, contact the Graduate Student Organization at 607-777-4247.
  5. Campus Life: The campus life fee, charged to undergraduate students only, enables the University and students to provide programming opportunities during the academic year, with special emphasis on Late Nite Binghamton programs on weekends.
  6. Career Resource Fee: This fee supports technology-based career resources that provide job, internship and career information for undergraduate students. For more information, visit the Fleishman Center for Career and Professional Development’s website for more information.
  7. College Fee: The University fee is mandatory for all SUNY students. This fee is charged to all enrolled students by authority of the Board of Trustees.
  8. ID Card Fee: This fee covers the expense of producing the University identification card and related security, financial and service access components.
  9. Intercollegiate Athletic Fee: The athletic fee, charged to undergraduate students only, supports Binghamton University’s Division I intercollegiate athletics program and campus athletics facilities. Athletic fee revenues are used to cover all types of costs related to the athletics program, including expenses such as travel, officiating, facilities preparation, telephone, sports equipment and uniforms. More information is available at the Athletics Department website.
  10. Recreation Fee: The recreation fee, charged to all students, enables Campus Recreation Services to offer programs intended to enrich the overall educational experience of students at the University. Programs include Club Sports, Wellness Services, Intramural Sports, Outdoor Pursuits and Open Recreation. More information is available at the Campus Recreation website.
  11. Student Health Services Fee: The health fee is not health insurance. All students are charged this fee to support services and programs at the Decker Student Health Services Center, University Counseling Center and Health Promotion and Prevention Services. These services include medical care for illness and injury, psychiatry, individual counseling, crisis appointments, group counseling sessions, women’s health care, vaccination services, health education programs, alcohol/other drug counseling, HIV testing and laboratory services as well as a dispensary for antibiotics and over-the-counter medications. More information is available online.
  12. Technology Fee: The technology fee, charged to all students, is used to support a number of services provided for student use by Computing Services and Educational Communications. Services include the campus computing network, internet connections, classroom technology, email service, computer PODs, the Help Desk and many other technology applications. More information is available at the ITS website.
  13. Transportation Fee: The transportation fee, charged to all students, supports mass transportation (bus) services to and from campus. Contracts with Broome County Transit and Off Campus College Transit Inc. (OCCT) provides comprehensive coverage to the Greater Binghamton region. Broome Transit is the local county-operated bus service that covers an extended region.
  14. College Fee: The University fee is mandatory for all SUNY students. This fee is charged to all enrolled students by authority of the Board of Trustees.

Other Fees

International Student Administration Fee: Supports certain federally mandated services and staff salaries in the Office of International Student and Scholar Services for students with F and J visas. Questions about this fee should be directed to the Office of International Student and Scholar Services at 607-777-2510.

Outstanding Obligations

Students who owe money to the University or a Title IV financial aid repayment are denied registration privileges. Diplomas are withheld until past due balances are paid in full.

In addition, any past due balances owed to the University and not paid on a timely basis are forwarded to a collection agency and/or the New York State Attorney General’s Office for collection. Accounts forwarded to collection agencies or the Attorney General’s Office are assessed additional collection fees and interest charges.

Payment Procedures

Electronic Billing

The Office of Student Accounts generates an electronic bill (E-bill) for tuition and fees based on class registration on the date the bill is generated. In the absence of registration, an E-bill will be generated for other charges assessed to the student account such as room, dining or other miscellaneous charges. The Office of Student Accounts sends all E-bill notifications via email to the student’s University email address. The E-bill notification includes the balance due, the due date, and a link to the University’s billing and payment portal, QuikPAY.

If the student would like their E-bill notification sent to their parent(s), guardian or another person, they must add that person as an Authorized Payer on their QuikPAY account. Authorized Payers receive electronic E-bill notifications and access to view, print and pay the bill.

Billing Cycle

Binghamton University generates semester E-bill statements in August for the fall term and in January for the spring term. Students will receive a monthly E-bill statement via email if new semester charges are assessed due to changes to class registration, housing assessment or meal plan, as well as miscellaneous charges, along with any past due balance owed. All bills are issued the first week of the month.

It is important to make payment immediately for balances due to avoid holds and late fees. The Office of Student Accounts encourages students and authorized payers to check their QuikPAY accounts weekly throughout the semester to ensure all balances are paid in full.

Due Date and Fees

If payment is not made in full by the due date on the E-bill statement, the account is subject to a $30 fee.

Payment Plan

Binghamton University has partnered with Nelnet Business Solutions to offer an affordable, web-based semester payment plan. The payment plan provides students with the opportunity to divide the balance due into equal installments for a specified number of months. The payment plan option is offered to students and families interest-free. Depending on when you enroll, the plan allows students and families to spread the balance into monthly payments over a period of up to four months (fall: Sep., Oct., Nov., Dec.; spring: Feb., Mar., Apr., May). A non-refundable enrollment fee of $40 per term is required to activate the payment plan. Payment plans are available for the fall and spring terms only, and you must re-enroll each semester. Payment plans must be processed online through the student’s QuikPAY account. Semester payment plans cannot be processed in the office.


Accounts that have not signed up for a payment plan and still have a balance on their account at the end of the sixth week of classes will have an Accounts Receivable (AR) hold placed on their record. An AR hold prevents the student from registering for upcoming semesters and receiving their diploma.


As a New York state (NYS) agency, Binghamton University is required to follow certain collection procedures for past due balances.

Past due balances owed to the University that are not paid in full by the end of the term will be forwarded to a collection agency or the NYS Attorney General’s Office. Once a student’s account is sent to a collection agency or the NYS Attorney General’s Office, the student is made ineligible to attend the University until the past due balance is paid in full. Any registration for a future term will be canceled. The student will be assessed additional collection costs, penalties and interest. The debt will be reported to the major credit bureaus, thus negatively impacting the student’s credit rating.

If an outstanding debt is not paid within 90 days of the presumed receipt of the outstanding balance notice, the person shall not be allowed to re-register, until all tuition, fees and all other charges authorized by Binghamton University have been paid or student loan obligations have been satisfied. Per State Finance Law Section § 19, state agencies are authorized to charge a return check fee when a check/electronic check is dishonored. Per State Tax Law § 171-f, state agencies are authorized to certify to the Department of Taxation and Finance that past due legally enforceable debts should be offset against any tax refunds, contracts or other state payments.

Paying Your Bill


Please visit Payment Options for instructions on how to pay your bill.


Please visit Student Accounts for instructions on how to add an authorized payer.

Each time an E-bill statement is posted, the student and any Authorized Payers listed on his/her account will receive an E-bill notification via email.


The Office of Student Accounts will refund credit balances on your account. A credit balance may be the result of an adjustment to charges, an overpayment made by you or an overpayment created by financial aid that you receive.

Refunds are made to credit cards, if applicable. All other refunds are made payable to the student regardless of who made the payment. The only refund made payable to someone other than the student is a refund from the Parent PLUS Loan. Parent PLUS Loan refunds are made payable to the recipient indicated on the Parent PLUS Loan application.

Students are notified via email when a refund is processed. Direct deposit refunds are processed daily. Refund checks are printed once a week on Thursdays. If the refund check is not picked up within 14 days, the check is mailed to the permanent address on record.

To sign up for direct deposit please visit Student Accounts for instructions.

Privacy Protection

Federal regulations and student privacy protection policies prohibit us from giving detailed information to callers unless they:

  1. provide the University ID (BNumber) for the student; and,
  2. are the student or an “Authorized Payer” listed in QuikPAY

For the student’s protection, email correspondence with the Office of Student Accounts will be limited to general process and policy information only.


Binghamton offers six on-campus housing communities with a variety of housing options to ensure our students have excellent living and socializing opportunities while studying at Binghamton University.

For the most current housing rates, visit the Office of Residential Life website.

Dining Plans

All resident students are required by the University to purchase a resident dining meal plan, with the exception of students living in Hillside and Susquehanna communities. Students living in Hillside, Susquehanna or off campus may purchase one of the commuter meal plans. Visit Dining Services for further information regarding dining plans, dining plan rates and dining plan policies.

Health Insurance for Students

All domestic undergraduate students are required to have health insurance and will be automatically enrolled in the University-sponsored Student Accident and Sickness Plan unless they waive this plan online. If the University plan is waived, be sure that the current health insurance coverage can be used for inpatient/outpatient services and specialist referrals in the Binghamton community. Students are responsible for knowing the limitations and special considerations of their respective health plans.

Graduate students, part-time students and dependents of enrolled students are encouraged to consider enrolling in the campus program, but are not obligated to do so. International students are required to enroll in a separate health insurance program. Information regarding international student health insurance can be found on the Office of International Student and Scholar Services website.

Insurance for International Students

International students in non-immigrant status (F-1, J-1, etc.) and students participating in overseas study programs are required by the State University of New York to purchase a special SUNY health and accident insurance policy designed specifically for them. Dependents of J-1 students and scholars are required by the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, to purchase insurance as well. Students are charged on a semester basis, with fall coverage in effect Aug. 15-Jan. 14 and spring coverage in effect Jan. 15-Aug. 14. Since fall semester coverage is for a five-month period and spring coverage is for seven months, the insurance fee is higher in the spring. Overseas study participants may select shorter coverage periods matched to the length of their program. Insurance rates are reviewed each year and are subject to change. The policy is comprehensive and provides benefits not found in standard insurance policies, such as medical evacuation and repatriation. Coverage for dependents in F-2 and J-2 status is also available.

Deadline for submission of the international health insurance adjustment/waiver form is February 15 for the spring semester and October 15 for the fall semester. Visit the International Student and Scholar Services website for information on filing the health insurance waiver request. Filing a request does not guarantee a waiver or adjustment. You must either be a graduate assistant (GA), teaching assistant (TA) or research assistant (RA) funded through Binghamton University and enrolled in employee health insurance, or you must meet the standards for comparable coverage outlined on the ISSS health insurance web page located through the above link.

The policy is administered by the Office of International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS, Floor 1R, Room 142 of Old Champlain Building on the Binghamton University campus, 607777-2510, email). Detailed information about health insurance for international students and scholars is available on the ISSS website.