MGMT 111 - Introduction to Decision Making in Management
Credits: 2
This class is required for School of Management freshmen and transfers. The course provides students with insight into the important business decisions managers make, and how excel can be used as a tool to aid those decisions. In addition, the course focusses heavily on professional preparation and guiding students through the initial steps necessary to position themselves for future career opportunities. At the core of this course is the idea that the better equipped you are to take on the role of shaping the organizations around you, the greater the impact you can have through your actions. By the end of this course students will: be comfortable navigating the basics of Excel and understand the importance of data management practices in organizations; have familiarity with the basic concepts and tools involved in the functional disciplines of management; have familiarity with the major concerns of organizations today; understand the connections between organizations and contemporary societal issues such as ESG, globalization, and corporate social responsibility; and create a personal professional road.