Feb 16, 2025
2024-2025 Binghamton University Academic Guide
Chemistry, BA
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The chemistry program provides students with the foundational skills necessary to pursue careers in chemistry and related fields, as well as advanced study. Students acquire critical thinking, analytical, and problem-solving skills that can be applied to a wide range of careers. Students will have opportunities to conduct experiments in the laboratory setting, learn about the most recent advances in the field, and apply their skills to their interests in chemistry through independent study. The Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry provides flexibility in courses, allowing students to individualize their studies and design an interdisciplinary academic program.
To take full advantage of that flexibility, it is important to carefully plan the sequence of courses in the first two years of study. A student is required to seek early advice from a faculty member when declaring a chemistry major.
University General Education Requirements
All Binghamton University undergraduate students are required to fulfill this set of university-wide requirements to ensure that every graduate acquires the essential core of a SUNY university undergraduate education. Please refer to the General Education page for more information. Harpur College Requirements
All students in Harpur College must fulfill additional requirements designated by Harpur College to complement and extend the general education requirements. Please refer to the Harpur College of Arts and Sciences page for more information. Course Requirements
- Introductory chemistry:
- CHEM 111 Chemical Principles and Science Elective OR
- CHEM 107 Intro Chemistry PrinciplesI and CHEM 108 Intro Chemistry Principles II* OR
- CHEM 104 General Chemistry I and CHEM 105 General Chemistry II and CHEM 106 General Chemistry Lab*
- CHEM 221 Analytical Chemistry
- CHEM 231 Organic Chemistry I
- CHEM 332 Organic Chemistry II
- CHEM 341 Intermediate Inorganic Chemistry
- CHEM 351 Intro to Physical Chemistry OR CHEM 361 Biophysical Chemistry
- CHEM 496 Senior Seminar
- Six credits from:
- CHEM 335 Organic Chemistry Lab*
- CHEM 422 Instrumental Methods of Chemistry
- CHEM 445 Inorganic Materials Lab
- CHEM 455 Experimental Physical Chemistry
- CHEM 497 Advanced Independent Study OR CHEM 498 Advan.ced Independent Research (Honors)
- One chemistry elective at any level
- One upper-level chemistry elective
- MATH 224 Differential Calculus and MATH 225 Integral Calculus
- MATH 226 Integration Tech and Application and MATH 227 Infinite Series
- PHYS 131 General Physics I (Calc. Based) OR PHYS 121 General Physics I
- PHYS 132 General Physics II (Calc. Based) OR PHYS 122 General Physics II
- One elective from the Division of Math and Science
- CHEM 107 and 108 or CHEM 104 and 105 and 106 may be substituted for CHEM 111. If this substitution is made, the additional course in the Division of Science and Mathematics is not required.
- Students pursuing the SUNY transfer path in Chemistry must take CHEM 107 + CHEM 108, CHEM 335, PHYS 131, PHYS 132
- The following courses are required for the Chemistry major: MATH 224 and introductory chemistry. If students are not placed into MATH 224, then MATH 223 and, if needed, MATH 108 are also required to complete the major. If students are not placed into introductory chemistry courses, then CHEM 100 is required to complete the major.
Typical Chemistry BA Four-Year Plan
The following four-year curricular plan provides a sample roadmap for completing the BA degree in Chemistry. Please note that while the following plan is the typical progression of courses, your actual course progression may vary. Students are strongly recommended to consult with their advisor throughout their study at Binghamton University to ensure they can complete their degree on time. Fall Semester (16 credits)
Spring Semester (16 credits)
Fall Semester (16 credits)
Spring Semester (16 credits)
Fall Semester (16 credits)
Spring Semester (16 credits)
- CHEM elective***
- CHEM elective***
- GenEd
- GenEd
Fall Semester (14 credits)
Spring Semester (16 credits)
- CHEM elective***
- Science elective
- GenEd or Elective
- GenEd or Elective
* CHEM 107 and 108 OR CHEM 104, 105 and 106 may be substituted for CHEM 111 **Physics with calculus (PHYS 131 and 132) is strongly recommended but not required. As an alternative, students may take non-calculus-based physics (PHYS 121 and 122). ***Of the four chemistry electives, one and one-half courses must be from among CHEM 335, 422, 445, 455 and 497/498. Subject to approval of the department, laboratory courses from other departments may be substituted. + CHEM221 is a prerequisite for most upper level chemistry lab courses. Pre-health students may prefer to defer CHEM 221 to the junior year. Additional Information About the Program
- A GPA of 2.0 or better is the necessary average for all courses used to satisfy the requirements of a chemistry major, and a grade of C- or better is necessary for a chemistry course to satisfy the requirements of a chemistry major. Among courses used for the chemistry degree, no more than two with a grade of P may be included. However, CHEM 221, 231, 341, 351/361, and 496 are foundation courses that cannot be taken as Pass/Fail. No more than 12 credits of CHEM 397 and 497/498 may be used to satisfy the major, and no more than four credits of CHEM 397 may be used to satisfy the major.
- CHEM 391, Teaching Practicum, does not count toward the chemistry major.
- Residency Requirement: Students must take CHEM 496 and at least six other chemistry courses in the major, including at least four upper-level chemistry courses (numbered 300+), while in residence at Binghamton University.
- Major/Minor Restriction: Students may not double major or minor in Biochemistry and Integrative Neuroscience due to significant overlap in the programs.
- The following courses are required for the chemistry major: MATH 224 and introductory chemistry. If students are not placed into MATH 224, Math 223, and, if needed, MATH 108 are also required to complete the major. If students are not placed into introductory chemistry, CHEM 100 is also required to complete the major.
For more information on the Chemistry BA program, please refer to the Chemistry Department website. To apply to the Chemistry BA program, please visit the University Admissions website. |
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